Bumrushed by a thief on the street, an innocent female shrieked: Her cellphone had been stolen! Just then, a Vespa scooted onto the scene. Chromed wheels shining like justice, its passengers chased down the bandit and retrieved the maiden's phone.

The New York Post reports that the victim was bent over a "mound of feces" at the corner of Hoyt and Degraw in Carroll Gardens when "a teenager rushed over and grabbed the phone from her hand."

But the thug and his accomplice didn't get far before the Vespa-riding man and woman went on the offensive, chasing the perps towards Union Street.

That's where the woman jumped off the scooter, grabbed the phone out of the 13-year-old's hands and hopped back onto the two-wheeler.

The thief and one accomplice have since been apprehended. No word on the identity of the Vespa vigilantes, nor the color or model of their motorized Italian scooter. (Was the woman seated behind the driver, or in a sidecar?) Anyway, next time you are brutally robbed while your dog is pooping, pray that a stylish yuppie on a European motorbike is lingering nearby to hear your cry.

Barring that, pick up the dog shit and throw it, because, why not? [NYPost, image via VespaUSA.com]

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