17-Year-Old Taylor Momsen: 'Music Keeps Me Young'

The oldest soul in show business and inadvertent comedienne Taylor Momsen gave an interview to Spin in which she ridicules Rihanna for confusing "pop" with "rock." Highlights from the Gossip Girl star turned jailbait rocker's wonderfully funny interview below.
"Music keeps me young": This is funny because Taylor Momsen is rich 17-year-old model/actress/musician, but has adopted the affectations of an aging, gravel-voiced hooker.
"People think pop is rock, and the lines are getting blurred. Now Rihanna's wearing fuckin' leather jackets, and it's really annoying": See above, but substitute Courtney Love for hooker. "Meanwhile," notes The Cut, "women in the adult-entertainment industry haven't said anything about her copping their clear heels and underpants," yet.
"High-class hooker": This is how Taylor Momsen describes her fashion sense. She is the poster girl for a tween clothing line.
"Crazy fuckin' psycho who's gonna end up in the gutter next week": This is what Taylor Momsen is not, according to Taylor Momsen. Truth is, she's just an overachieving teenager, who happens to be trying to achieve "rockstar" status. Poor thing—this is all going to be very embarrassing in retrospect.