We tasked you, our loyal readers, to go out there and take pictures for our Fashion's Night Out Scavenger Hunt and, boy, did you people deliver. Here are the best snapshots you came up with, including multiple Anna Wintours!

Some people sent in a few quality snapshots, and some took the assignment to find as many of the 25 items on our list very, very seriously. Either way, we were delighted when our inbox was stuffed with your submissions. Before we get to the winner of the $250 Visa Gift Card, here are a few pictures that deserve honorable mention.

A great shot of Vogue editor Anna Wintour. We wouldn't quite call that a smile, but close.

The Olsen twins judging karaoke at Barneys.

The Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington dolls we wrote about at Barneys.

We're not sure where these male models were showering, but we wish we had attended that party.

Here is Balenciaga designer Nicolas Ghesquiere, Vogue creative director Grace Coddington, and singer Chris Brown in the background, at Balenciaga, of course.

Barneys creative director Simon Doonan + a lady with a dog in a purse = double word score.

Kim Kardashian at QVC.

Tinsley Mortimer looking cute in a pink dress.

Another two-fer: Sarah Jessica Parker talking to Anna Wintour's bob.

Thanks for all the wonderful pictures, but there can only be one winner. There was some tough competition, but there was one reader who managed to take pics of about 20 of the 25 things on our list (and even found some wonderful things we didn't even know we wanted to see until we had seen them.) Here are selections from the winner's portfolio. Congrats, Nicole!

Sarah Jessica Parker entering Bergdorf's.

The giant line in front of Bergdorf's.

It may be blurry, but this is clearly a smiling Anna Wintour with Grace Coddington.

Dakota Fanning about to pitch a fit.

A shirtless male model.

Fashion designer Jason Wu.

The dog isn't in a purse, but it's close enough. Also, ugly outfits on ladies trying to look "fashionable."

Leighton Meester posing with a plush toy for no particular reason.

An awesome window display at Bergdorf's that also contained a performance.

Congrats to our winner, Nicole, and thanks so much for sending your pictures, everyone! It let us spend Fashion's Night Out in the comfort of our own home!