Breaking: After yesterday's report that rattail-coiffed Koran savior Jacob Isom's dream was to be featured in High Times, the doobie denizens agreed to feature our rattail-coiffed hero in the pages of their vaunted magazine.

On its website, High Times thanks Jacob for his "bravery in the face of intolerance" and promises him a place in an upcoming issue. By phone, Jacob told me that he talked to a representative from the magazine today who said they'll be overnighting him a package of High Times merchandise. He will then take pictures, and High Times will post them on their website. A comic-book-style summation of his harrowing defeat of Amarillo, Texas' wannabe Koran burners may also be in the works.

We will let you know about this most glorious turn of events as it happens. When we spoke, Jacob was en route to work at a local pizzeria. Fame, it seems, has not slowed our hero's humble, delicious calling: cooking pizza. [High Times]


Koran Hero Has a Dream: 'I Want to be in High Times'
Guy Steals Koran from Burners and Runs Away
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