Lindsay Lohan has a bail hearing today. James Franco got a D in acting class. Taylor Momsen slaps Tim Gunn on the wrist. Nancy Wilson and Cameron Crowe divorce. TGIFriday gossip.

  • Today is the day Lindsay Lohan might go back to jail. She's scheduled to appear before L.A. Superior Court Judge Eldon Fox at 8:30AM PCT (11:30AM EST) for a hearing to set bail while she awaits a second hearing for breaking probation by failing two drug tests, one for cocaine and one for amphetamines. (Rumor has it the amphetamine one was a fluke related to her Adderall prescription, and not punishable.) Judge Fox is the one who let Linds leave rehab after 14 days instead of the previously discussed 90-day term. TMZ says the word on the street is that Lindsay won't see the inside of a jail cell: Judge Fox probably won't revoke bail, since this violation is just a misdemeanor, and whatever he sets it at next, she'll pay. When LiLo finally has the formal hearing about her dirty drug test, it doesn't even matter if she gets sentenced to 30 days in the clink—due to overcrowding in jails means she's apt to spend no more than an hour or two in jail, basically long enough to go in and out. [Radar, image via Splash]
  • For her last supper before today's court date, LiLo loaded up on tilapia, brown rice, and—are those Sun Chips?—at the grocery store. Doesn't look like someone who thinks she's going to jail. [TMZ]
  • As an acting student at NYU, James Franco got a D. "I did the work, I did well in everything else," he said, but missed a lot of class to film a movie. "The acting teacher probably felt uncomfortable with a working, well-known actor in his class," concludes Franco's interviewer. [ShowBiz411]
  • When Taylor Momsen takes the high road, you know yours is very low. Asked to respond to Tim Gunn calling her a "pathetic brat," the smeary-eyed wonder said, "I don't respond to that," and "This is who I am and this is who I am going to be. It's about every girl being true to themselves." Papa Gunn, you just got schooled by America's most loathed 17-year-old. [E!]
  • Twenty years later, Brooke Shields still fits into her old Calvins: "They didn't look pretty, but they fit." [Popeater]

Hey look, more sexy pictures of 16-year-old sister Ali Lohan modeling Lindsay Lohan's clothing line! [Popeater, image via 6126]

  • Asked whether daughter Lourdes Leon is dating yet, Madonna "recoiled and shook her head." Madge doesn't let Lola dye her hair, either. [Gatecrasher, HuffPo]
  • Kelly Osbourne is rooting for Bristol Palin to win Dancing with the Stars: "I have a real soft spot for Bristol Palin. I really do. I think she's going there and trying, and to not have a family member in the audience is the hardest thing in the world." Misbehaving reality-enthusiast daughters of famous people, unite! [People]
  • Heart singer/songwriter Nancy Wilson filed for divorce from director Cameron Crowe yesterday. The reason: "Irreconcilable differences." Does anyone ever cite one of the other reasons? What are the other reasons? [People, E!]
  • Portia de Rossi is officially Portia DeGeneres. Mazel tov to name-united couple. [Popeater]