The Austin Statesman is reporting an "active shooting situation" on the University of Texas campus. A spokeswoman says an "armed suspect" in the Perry-Casteneda library (pictured) has shot himself. No word on other victims yet. Updates below.

An employee who works down the street says the warning sirens went off around 8:40 a.m. this morning. "The building has been locked down and I don't think they're letting anybody in or out," she says. Officials reportedly sent out a campus-wide text message this morning "telling people to stay inside and lock doors."

Update 2: Police spokeswoman Rhonda Wheldon tells the AP "nobody else [besided the gunman] was reported hurt."

Also: Local news in Texas is saying there's a second suspect. And now the university police say they're searching for a second suspect.

Update 3: One suspect shot and killed himself with an AK-47 on the sixth floor of the library, according to a UT spokesman. "We don't have any report of anybody getting shot at this point," he says. Police are still seeking the second suspect. Witnesses report hearing about ten gunshots.

Noted: a coalition of conservative and libertarian groups on the UT campus tonight "will be hosting John Lott, famed defender of gun rights and author of the book 'More Guns, Less Crime'."

As of noon, campus has been closed and police are still hunting a possible second suspect—the police chief says "we have a reports of a second suspect that was wearing a beanie with a long rifle, wearing blue jeans and a black top that we're looking for that may or may not be a white male."

Here is a video of a small army of SWAT team members walking through the UT campus. Eerie.