The Real Housewives of Atlanta are back, and there's new girls, new drama, and Kim's kids are teenagers.

First, Kim gets high-tech with The Facebooks, and Brielle decides to chase a French exchange student. Kim really drove her point home though, don't go after boys to kiss them-let them come after you. You gettem' girl!

On a side note, doesn't it look like they're both eating butter? With gold spoons?

[There was a video here]

Phaedra Parks is a celebrity lawyer from Athens, GA...and is probably going to be the runaway hit of this season. On top of all her pictures with people like Ludacris, Fergie, and Bill Clinton (yes, that Bill Clinton), Phaedra is married to someone named Apollo, and has an awesomely gossipy relationship with Dwight.

[There was a video here]

While Phaedra is officially one of the new housewives, Dwight and NeNe are the ones who filled the quota for housewife throw-downs on this episode. According to NeNe and Sheree, Dwight has been lying up a storm some of his financial offerings.

[There was a video here]