Paul Krugman to Advertisers: Despair

This news story about advertising people at an advertising conference talking to each other in person about how much they talk to each other on Twitter is perhaps the least alluring news story of the day. This one is better.
I mean, nobody, not even the attendees of the Association of National Advertisers conference, wants to hear about how "speakers are saying 'fans,' 'like' and 'hash tag' almost as often as 'touch points,' 'benchmark' and 'prioritize.'" [GUNSHOT]. Roll that real shit, Ad Age:
Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman left marketers feeling a bit down when he suggested that the economy won't be turning around anytime soon — a far cry from the "goodbye recession" message included in conference materials.
"History tells us that we should not count on any kind of recovery anytime soon," said Mr. Krugman, whose talk was called "The (Dire) State of the Economy."
[Pic: Getty]