Buffoonish human malaprop generator Lee Abrams resigned from his laughably lofty post at Tribune Co. last week in the wake of a poorly-timed email scandal. Now, Lee Abrams is coming to his own defense—via email!

Jeff Bercovici got his hands on what is apparently Lee Abrams' self-justification email to his former colleagues. In it, he defends himself unsuccessfully against a number of common critiques. And, of course, he gets to the root of the issue:

I suspect that a major component of this debacle is being motivated by a power play to seize creative, cultural and business control of the company as it emerges from Chapter 11. Or maybe the idea of a "rock and roll" type from broadcasting invading tradition is so offensive to the fourth estate that my mere presence posed a threat to their grip on the past. I do not know that any of these hypotheses are fact and probably never will.

Yes, Lee, that sounds about right to us. Never stop being you.
