Nene's surgery episode has arrived, and girlfriend looks good and keeps everyone laughing while she's recovering. You may have thought nothing could overshadow Nene on Real Housewives of Atlanta, but Phaedra's baby shower has everything from ballerinas to big hats.

All Nene wants after her surgery is a glass of wine, too bad Kim won't give it to her. While she does look great (because Nene always looks great) considering the amount of elective surgery she had, it's sad to see her recovering without her husband. Come on Greg!

[There was a video here]

Dwight planned Phaedra's baby shower for her, so over-the-top is an understatement. Phaedra had rhinestones on her eyelids and roses in her hair, causing Kandi to coin the term "Beaughetto" (she'll explain why in the video). Most importantly, former housewife Lisa Wu Hartwell made a cameo, and Kim figured out her crutch for baby showers; the champagne.

[There was a video here]