Little Jimmy O'Keefe, the video fabulist who killed ACORN, tried to break into a senator's phone system and creepily plotted to seduce a CNN reporter, has a new video out. This time he caught teachers talking cavalierly about their students!

Things haven't been going so well for O'Keefe since he went from being hailed as the conservative Bob Woodward to abandoned by even Andrew Breitbart after his rapey plan to film himself screwing a CNN reporter on a boat was exposed. But now that he's trained his investigative eye on a recent New Jersey Education Association leadership conference, blowing the lid of such dirty little secrets as teachers privately talking smack about the governor who has vowed to crush their union, he'll be back on top in no time.

A trailer for the new project is above. O'Keefe apparently took some undercover video of teachers talking amongst themselves at a conference in East Brunswick, N.J. Did you know that teachers on conferences sometimes drink in bars? And that they use salty language? Prepare to be scandalized.