MSNBC has suspended Keith Olbermann "indefinitely without pay" in response to this morning's disclosure that Olbermann made financial donations to three Democratic politicians. What was Keith Olbermann thinking? More importantly: What is MSNBC thinking?

  • 1. Olbermann shouldn't have given those donations. It's blatantly against his employer's rules. Come on, man. Use your noodle.
  • 2. But uh, have they ever watched his show? He's clearly a vocal, partisan liberal. One could argue that a ban on political donations is a farce given his open opinion-mongering each and every night. Such bans make sense for ostensibly objective reporters, but not for people like Olbermann.
  • 3. Pretty funny how Olbermann gets smacked down for this, but News Corp will give over a million bucks to Republicans and then tell the world to fuck off. Not exactly equivalent. But funny enough for Jon Stewart to make a joke about.
  • 4. Olbermann will be back after a suitable period, with an apology, and everyone will carry on normally.
  • 5. MSNBC has not yet demonstrated any ability to Lean Forward.

[Photo via Getty]