In your icy Monday media column: Fox News anonymice reveal obvious scandals, turmoil at Essence, Bernie Sanders is moved to insanity by Keith Olbermann, Peter Chernin's big plans, and Euna Lee says she considered suicide in prison.

  • Anonymous Fox News staffers and contributors tell Media Matters that they're concerned about "extremists" at the network, and that its "Washington bureau is slanting more to the right in recent years," and they even fear that Fox News' "opinion side bleeds over the news side," and HAHAHAHA. At least there's still someone working for Fox who'll talk to Media Matters, I suppose that's something.
  • Essence magazine editor Angela Burt-Murray abruptly quit last Friday, announcing she was leaving the magazine and moving to Atlanta. But there's been little word on why she left, or who's going to succeed her. Know more? Email me.
  • Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders sent out a press release today saying that the NBC-Comcast merger should be blocked because MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann for a few days, which is the type of stupid political posturing I'd hoped that socialists from Vermont would avoid, but I guess not.
  • Former News Corp exec Peter Chernin has finally revealed some details of his secret new media empire: he's launching a media company in Hong Kong that "will focus on investing in and operating emerging businesses in media, entertainment, sports and technology across China, India and Indonesia." Eh.
  • Euna Lee, the Current TV who was snatched and imprisoned with her colleague Laura Ling in a North Korean prison last year, has given an interview about how hard her prison time was—so hard that she considered suicide. It's well worth reading.

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