Photographer Greg Schmigel has dedicated himself to taking beautiful shots of New York City street life. He doesn't do it with a big fancy camera, though. He uses nothing more than his amazing eye and an iPhone.

"I believe that about 90% of photography is about what the photographer sees. The choice of camera makes up for the rest. My iPhone just happens to be the camera that's always with me," Schmigel says about his choice of apparatus. He currently uses an iPhone 4, but has used 2Gs and 3Gs in the past to create some of his striking black-and-white compositions.

As for the pictures, they pretty much speak for themselves. They capture the beautiful, dreary, mundane, and outrageous city in a very intimate way that anyone who has ever tread Gotham's sidewalks can relate to. These really puts the half-blurry pictures of your drunk friends on your phone to shame, don't they?

For more of Greg Schmigel's work, check out his website. You can get in touch with him via Twitter or email.