Yup, it's true. The Independent Spirit Awards have announced their list of nominees for this year, meaning we are off to the races. Isn't it exciting? Also today: every TV show ever is about cops, plus a sexy Twilight update.

Spirit here, get your spirit here. No, this isn't some big corporate spirit, some partisan hack spirit. This is independent spirit. Yes, it's Independent Spirit Awards season again already, and the nominations are out. Not too many surprises. The Kids Are All Right, Winter's Bone, and Black Swan all did well. New New York phenom Lena Dunham got a best first feature nomination, as did... the guys behind The Last Exorcism? Fuh realz? All right, whatever. To each their own. These are, after all, independent awards. They don't answer to anyone, man. Oh, and you know who else got a nomination? Daphne Rubin-Vega! That is fun. Fun thing, that. [THR]

That noise you just heard, the one that sounded like a quick low cat meowl (go with it) mixed with a bag of Cheetos being squished, was a nerd climaxing. Why did your area nerd suddenly get so excited? Well, Eliza Dushku has landed a lead role on a new TV pilot. Sadly for your friendly (but gross) neighborhood nerd, this is not some sci-fi fantasy loco business like what Dushku done dush-do usually. This is for TNT. So. Guess what this show is about. It's TNT... stars a strong lady... Can you guess? Yes! She's a police officer. It's a father-daughter cop show, they're partners!, called Bird Dog. Yeah. They're NYPD who relocate to a small PacNorth (is that a thing that people say?) town. Well she does first, then he follows her. I don't know. It sounds weird. Bird dog. Isn't that like a phrase from the Zach Galimakis movie about crazy people? Bird doggin' chicks? I think it is. I really hope TNT isn't going some newly dark route and having Dushku bird dogged by her dad. Gross. Anywayyyyy, the nerd has probably composed himself by now, so we should too. Back to the business of living. Oh! One more thing. D.B. Sweeney, that ice skating motherfucker, got a TNT show too. He's playing a cop. Seriously. Toe pick! [Deadline]

Mary J. Blige has said no more drama, but more musicals please! So she is in talks to star in the film version of the Broadway mixtape Rock of Ages. I'm guessing her part would be the mysterious Hollywood madam who shows up at one point. That's my guess. She could be playing the ingenue, but I sort of doubt it? Ah well. It's a fun part. Good for her. There's no drama. Only dramaaaa!!! [Variety]

Jimminy Johampton Abrams (known to outsiders as J.J.) has found the lead for his new show Alcatraz. A young chippy named Sarah Jones, from Lone Star and Sons of Anarchy, has landed the plum role of... well, a fucking police officer. Yup. So. There we have it. It's raining police. [Deadline]

Oh myyyy. Director Bill Condon has released the first photo from Breaking Dawn, the two-part movie adaptation of the last Twilight book. And it is steeeeeeeeamy. Well, it's just a hand holding some feathers, but it's part of an "intimate" scene, which... y'know. Winky winky, ain't they stinky. That noise you just heard, that sounded like a piglet dying mixed with a lemon exploding, was a Twilight fan climaxing. Gross! [THR]

Speaking of vampire-related sexfires, Kevin Williamson is apparently hard(ly) at work coming up with a new companion show to his hit Vampire Diaries. Yay! It's a really novel idea. It's about people who investigate paranormal occurrences. Crazy, right? There's never been a show like that before! And you know what's extra fun? You know what another word for investigator could be? Cop. Are you seeing the theme here? [Deadline]