
Louis Peitzman · 08/05/12 02:03PM

Natalie Portman wed her babydaddy Benjamin Millipied, the choreographer who helped find her inner Black Swan.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Haters Are Just 'Projecting'

Max Read · 04/16/11 09:04AM

Gwyneth Paltrow diagnoses her haters. Tareq Salahi strips down. Black Swan gets a little bit real-life crazy. Amanda Seyfried buys a dead horse. Saturday gossip is—as always—projecting.

Natalie Portman Only Did 5 Percent of the Dancing in Black Swan

Brian Moylan · 03/25/11 04:57PM

Sarah Lane, the American Ballet Theater soloist who served as Natalie Portman's dancing double for her Oscar-winning turn in Black Swan, claims that she did 95% of the dancing seen in the movie. Lane says she did all the fancy footwork and Natalie's head was digitally grafted onto her body in post production.

Darren Aronofsky Reveals the Real Inspiration for Black Swan

Marie Bardi · 03/16/11 04:30PM

Director Darren Aronofsky claims it was comedian Todd Barry's deli manager character in The Wrestler that led to Black Swan. It's just that the ballerina subplot in The Deli Manager took on a life of its own. Sorry, Todd!

The Complete Guide to Natalie Portman's Laugh

Brian Moylan · 01/20/11 02:40PM

In case you missed the Golden Globes on Sunday, Natalie Portman told a not-funny joke during her acceptance speech and then let out a horrendous cackle. Naturally the hivemind of the internet latched onto it and a meme's been born.

Black Swan and Bathrooms

Kartina Richardson · 01/07/11 06:00PM

Sitting in a coffee shop I heard a man say, "I saw Black Swan the other night. It was trash. Elevated trash, but trash." "Black Swan was great," you say to yourself and aloud.

Everyone Else Has Seen Black Swan So Get to the Theater Now

gawkercreative · 12/24/10 12:59PM

If merely witnessing Natalie Portman radiate out of the movie screen as she dodges evil looks from Mila Kunis wasn't enough to get you to buy tickets to see Black Swan, perhaps one or more of these intriguing scenarios depicted in the trailer will convince you.

Witherspoon's Withering Weekend

Richard Lawson · 12/20/10 11:17AM

Ms. Reese had a bit of a bad stumble this weekend, her glossy new romantic comedy stalling out at the box office. The new TRON, however, did well as expected, while two smaller indies continue to surge.