Senator Won't Ride Horse in Anti-Christian 'Holiday' Parade

Have you seen any instances of the word "Christmas" being replaced by the considerably more ethnic "Holiday"? Sen. Jim Inhofe sure has. And now that his hometown "Christmas" parade is a "Holiday" parade, he'll keep his horse stabled.
Inhofe, the Oklahoma senator and former mayor of Tulsa, had rode horseback in the city's Christmas Parade of Lights every year — "as his children and grandchildren watched" — until last year, when he quietly refused to do so. (He did help his kids and grandkids build an igloo for Al Gore last winter, however.) The reason, apparently, was that the parade organizers had renamed it the Holiday Parade of Lights. Think of all the Jews, Terrorists and Africa-Africans that would show up! It's ground zero for the War on Christmas, out there in the Sooner State.
Even worse, the parade is sticking with "Holiday" this year — a double-offense so grievous that Inhofe will now loudly protest this atrocity against Jesus Christ:
"I did not do so last year because I'm not going to ride in a Christmas parade that doesn't recognize Christmas," he said. "I am hopeful that the good people of Tulsa and the city's leadership will demand a correction to this shameful attempt to take Christ, the true reason for our celebration, out of the parade's title. Until the parade is again named the Christmas Parade of Lights, I will not participate."
Poor Tulsa. They won't get to see some old hack politician's balls bounce up and down on a horse, ever again.