Two Hawaiian teachers have taken a new approach to teaching their students by reworking lyrics to popular songs by artists like Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani and more into some seriously cool visual history lessons ever. Some favorites, inside.

Here's their interpretation of the French Revolution, set to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" and with lines like, "I need my bread / Bread, bread, bread / Off with her head."

For a lesson on Mary, Queen of Scots, they turned to Jennifer Lopez's "Jenny From The Block," where the departed leader sings, "Don't be fooled by the crown that I got / I'm still, I'm still Mary, Queen of Scots."

Want to learn about the Black Plague? Then jam along to this remake of Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl," with lyrics like, "Uh huh, it's the Plague / Gonna kill you in a few days."

A lesson on Reformation leader Martin Luther is set to the Bangles' "Manic Monday," featuring lines such as, "John Tetzel was uncouth, yeah / He was out to get that Martin Luther."

For a quickie on Cleopatra, they turned to Fergie's "Fergilicious," exclaiming, "Pharaohlicious, definition / Make them Romans angry."

And finally, how about Justin Timberlake's "Sexy/Back" for a lesson on William the Conquerer: "Eight colored wools / (Norman Invasion) / Embroidery / (Brought Feudalism)."

For the full list of (almost 50!) lessons, you may visit the teachers' YouTube Channel.
