New York state senator Kevin Parker is currently on trial for attacking a New York Post photographer last year. Parker's lawyer says the case is "entirely about politics." I dunno. It almost seems like there's a pattern here.

In this case, the photographer, William Lopez, says that Parker reached through his car window and tried to pull his camera out (while insulting the NY Post the whole time, which would have been kind of neat to see), fracturing Lopez's finger in the process. Also:

  • "In 2005 Parker arrested for punching out a traffic enforcement officer."
  • Earlier this year, Parker "charged" toward a female colleague, then "dropped several 'f-bombs' and called [her] 'a b——.'"
  • Parker's accused of assaulting Wellington Sharpe, his opponent in the Democratic primaries this year—"He also threatened, menaced and challenged Sharpe to come outside and fight."
  • He also called NY guv David Paterson a "coke-snorting, staff-banging governor." Hey, there's no evidence of staff-banging.

State Senator Parker, we encourage you to wildly overreact to this railroading we're giving you.

[Brooklyn Paper]