Mayor Bloomberg Made Some Really Lame Gay Jokes at a Fancy Gay Party

For the fourth year running, Mayor Michael Bloomberg stopped by the gay holiday party formerly known as "Toys for Tots" to show how much he loves his queer constituents. This year he came with gay-themed toys and bad gay-themed jokes.
According to the Daily News, while rubbing elbows at Chelsea Piers on Friday night with Manhattan's A gays like Andy Cohen and Lance Bass, Bloomberg cracked up the crowd with lines like, "I haven't seen so many guys since there was a Ricky Martin book signing." Really? He went there? After showing off his pink sweater (groan), he said, "You should see what's in my closet." We're not sure what it might be, but we bet it has something to do with Ed Koch.
Bloomberg wasn't just there to drum up the gay vote (Bloomberg 4 Prez 2012, Girl!) and support his friend Robby Browne, the real estate exec who started the event 25 years ago, but to donate toys—very gay toys. He had a Glee Magic Eight Ball, some lesbian Annette Benning and Julianne Moore dolls (this testosterone-heavy room isn't right for that joke, Mike), and two Twilight dolls. The only way gay men differ from teenage girls is that we're not completely obsessed with Twilight, so it wasn't exactly on-key, but we can understand the mistake. Bloomie tried to win over the crowd by asking if they were Team Edward or Team Jacob. Of course the ab-obsessed gay masses said they were on Team Jacob and Bloomberg replied, "I bet you'd want to be on him too." OK, fair enough.
Bloomberg also donated a poster for the camp-tastic Cher and Christina Aguilera jam Burlesque. There is really nothing we can say about that because, well, the gays are pretty much obsessed with it right now. Good one, Mayor Mike. You got us there. But what is up with Republicans and really stale gay jokes these days?
[Photo via Getty]