The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List - Gallery

Joe Heck
Republican Congressman from Nevada
Joe Heck is the official "Silver Fox" of the 112th Congress' many freshmen sex monsters. How does he preserve that handsome gray streak so well? You non-silver people will never know.
Gawker Staff Rating: 4.1

James Lankford
Republican Congressman from Oklahoma
James Lankford is the new standard-bearer for ginger sex in the United States Congress. He and his family members are all reds, man. He's probably never met a non-ginger in his life. Wouldn't you like to be his first?
Gawker Staff Rating: 4.2

Frederica Wilson
Democratic Congresswoman from Florida
Who got what out of this past election? Republicans got a ~60-seat gain in the House of Representatives. But Democrats got some crazy hat lady from south Florida! Frederica Wilson, we believe, is the only member of Congress who actually has a theme. "Who's Frederica Wilson?" someone might ask. "Oh she's um... you know... hats. The hat one," you'd respond, solving everything. But does she wear her trademark "hats" in bed? There's only one way to find out.
Gawker Staff Rating: 4.4

Hansen Clarke
Democratic Congressman from Michigan
Hansen Clarke is the first U.S. Congressman of Bangladeshi descent! Would you have sex with him?
Gawker Staff Rating: 4.6

Blake Farenthold
Republican Congressman from Texas
Blake Farenthold isn't merely a fat person. He's a fat person who wears rubber duckie pajamas to parties! All he needs to do is snap his fingers and BAM, the paid lingerie models coming a-flockin'.
Gawker Staff Rating: 5.2

Ben Quayle
Congressman from Arizona
Ben Quayle is a weird Scottsdale porn-scribe who seems very dumb. But his father was a vice president, and Ben will be rich forever, so you might as well have babies with him.
Gawker Staff Rating: 5.4

Adam Kinzinger
Republican Congressman from Illinois
Adam Kinzinger may just be an "okay" looking guy when he wakes up in the morning. But then he soaks his hair in gallons of gel for an hour or two, making him oiliest "catch" in Illinois politics since Abraham Lincoln.
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.0

Kevin Yoder
Republican Congressman from Kansas
Kevin Yoder is the poor man's Marco Rubio, substituting Latino spice for Kansan, uh, wheat or whatever. He likes to lay back in his leather chair during legislative sessions, tune out, and just chill. That's how cool he is. He's going to be a great congressman.
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.3

Kelly Ayotte
Republican Senator from New Hampshire
New Hampshire voters flocked to the polls in November to elect Kelly Ayotte as Queen of the White Mountains. Was it because they found her attractive? That's sexist! But maybe some of them did.
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.4

Sean Duffy
Republican Congressman from Wisconsin
Former Real World star Sean Duffy somehow leveraged his 15 minutes of fame from 20 years ago into a congressional seat this year. How did he trick his district's voters into doing this? Just look into his dreamboat reality teevee eyes.
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.9

Cedric Richmond
Democratic Congressman from Louisiana
Cedric Richmond made history this year by becoming the first African American to represent Louisiana's 2nd District in a whole two years. Is he the next Barack Obama? No. But maybe you think he's attractive!
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.9

Marco Rubio
Republican Senator from Florida
Conservatives adore Marco Rubio, and hope he'll become president one day. But isn't he already the president of sex? Assuming he has gone through puberty and is just a very diligent shaver, then yes, basically.
Gawker Staff Rating: 6.9

Jaime Herrera Beutler
Republican Congresswoman from Washington
Jaime Herrera Beutler's election was the most exciting news for Washington state since Kurt Cobain killed himself. What promise! What burdens. She's only 32, and will probably get sexually harassed within like a week.
Gawker Staff Rating: 7.0

Rand Paul
Republican Senator from Kentucky
Hey ladies! Rand Paul is likely to kidnap you. How great would that be? Imagine getting two fistfuls of that curly hair, while kidnapped in his libertarian love den. Oh, Rand. Rand!
Gawker Staff Rating: 8.2

Kristi Noem
Republican Congresswoman from South Dakota
Kristi Noem is so hot that top House Republicans created a new, prominent leadership position for her, the random freshman from South Dakota, within a day or two of the election. She has the traditional South Dakota "mama grizzly" look: hot face with an old mop thrown on top for hair.