Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are back together. Alec Baldwin is a narcissist. Camille Grammer has some nudes. Lindsay Lohan is charitable. Want to see inside Justin Bieber's bedroom? Sunday Gossip Round Up is here.

  • Looks like Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are back together, after splitting up in December—on Hudgens' birthday. One spy saw them "inseparable all night, dancing, drinking vodka and canoodling." Another said "Vanessa was bopping around with her arms up while Zac had his hands all over her." Ah yes, the clause in their Disney contracts—signed with blood—that requires this relationship has yet to expire. Or perhaps this on-again-off-again thing was in the fine print to begin with? [P6, Peoplew]
  • Alec Baldwin watches himself on "30 Rock" when he works out. Hey, at least he's working out. [P6]
  • Lindsay Lohan is letting some girl she met at Betty Ford crash at her new, conveniently-located-next-to-her-ex apartment, rent free. Two Betty Ford grads under one roof! They better get an energy drink keg. [TMZ]
  • Justin Bieber is debuting a shorter haircut for an US Weekly special Justin Bieber edition! Instead of the solid curtain of hair perfectly swooped, it's more of a gently cascading waterfall. So adult. The issue is called "My Private World," and promises "exclusive photos inside my bedroom!" Justin Bieber article or amateur porn website? [NYDN]
  • These pictures of Kate Gosselin dragging her brood through the Sydney Airport are the most soul-crushing images I've seen in a long time. "Get the look!" says a link on the Daily Mail. Presumably it brings you to a fertility clinic website? [Daily Mail]
  • Kelsey Grammer's ex-wife Camille Grammar is featured in some softcore porn pictures and her fellow Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars are shopping the pics around. But they're on the Internet, so anyone could find them if you wanted to spend a few hours doing that, probably. Good way to spend a lazy Sunday. It's sort of like a treasure hunt, but the opposite. [NYDN]
  • Chuck Norris is pissed that a new strain of pot—"Chuck Norris' Black and Blue Dream"—is named after him. Some would consider this the ultimate honor. [TMZ]
  • Black Swan star Mila Kunis was blind in one eye due to an inflammation of the iris. She had to have surgery to get it fixed. Can't believe she survived having poor depth-perception. [Daily Mail]

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]