Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Rashida Jones is really stoked about Rob Lowe being on Parks & Recreation, Al Roker's weather fail, The Onion's SportsDome premieres, Colbert's indie rocker sell-out-off, and Antoine Dodson kicks off the new season of Tosh.0.

Antoine Dodson Kicks Off Season Three of Tosh.0
Tosh.0 came back with a Web Redemption of Antoine Dodson and a string of rape jokes. Tosh also made fun of Pittsburgh Steeler Ben Roethlisberger, and introduced his newest game, "Is he retarded?" Watch inside.

The Black Keys and Vampire Weekend Battle For the Title of Biggest Sellouts on the Colbert Report
Colbert was having trouble deciding his votes for the Grammys, saying things like "The Arcade Fire? Ehh, they went on the Daily Show, f*ck em." Then he invited The Black Keys and Vampire Weekend's Ezra Koenig for a sell-out off!

Ringing Church Bell Ruins Al Roker's Weather Forecast
How much do you think Al Roker hates his co-hosts during this broadcast? He's stuck in Boston during a storm that's still going strong. When he goes live, Natalie and Matt can't stop giggling about the bells in the background.

Rashida Jones is Really Excited About Kissing Rob Lowe on Parks & Recreation
Is it weird that Rashida Jones asked her sister to come down to the Parks & Rec set to watch her make out with Rob Lowe? She blames it on a sisterly bond, but really it comes down to bragging rights.

Onion Sports Dome Mocks Sports and the People Who Cover Them
Parody newspaper The Onion is set to launch two half-hour comedies this year, the first of which premiered last night on Comedy Central. Onion Sports Dome is a show which mocks both sports and sports media.