Nicki Minaj Debunks Lesbian Rumor She Started About Herself

Nicki Minaj self-debunks. Lilo's nurse wants a truce. Kate Middleton has chosen her dress. David Beckham did not have sex with a hooker. Paris Hilton's return to porn. Jared Leto's intense driver's license picture. Sunday gossip roundup is here!

- Nicki Minaj wants to make sure everyone knows that she and Rhianna are not lesbian lovers. Minaj went on Ryan Seacrest's radio show to debunk the rumors: "I don't know where people got this really insane, hilarious, random rumor that she and I were living together." Actually, it was probably that time Rhianna tweeted a picture of her and Nicki cuddling and said, "Me and Nikki in our new crib, lol!" To which Nicki responded: "If we're gonna liv 2gthr and hook up u gotta learn how 2 spell my name!" Minaj was absolutely shocked that people misread something she wrote on Twitter: "It was like, 'What?' It's like, you can't even be sarcastic anymore. It was hilarious, though."[MTV, Daily Mail]
- Dawn Holland, the nurse who accused Lindsay Lohan of assaulting her at the Betty Flord Clinic (but also sold Lilo's confidential documents) wants to meet for a truce. [TMZ]
- Paris Hilton hung out at a porn studio while shooting her new reality show. We're guessing she accidentally filmed a sex tape which then gets accidentally released to the world. [TMZ]
- Ha ha, Jared Leto took his driver's license photo extremely seriously at the Santa Monica DMV. Maybe he's hoping any cops who pull him over will get weak in the knees from his smoldering glare. [TMZ]
- Kate Middleton has picked out her wedding dress designer. Nobody knows who it is, but some are speculating it's Bruce Oldfield, who was a favorite of Princess Di. Maybe it will be a meat dress? Alas, probably not. [People]
- Mean TV producers from E! made Khloe Kardashian dye her hair back from red to black. [Daily Mail]
- Christian Bale really loves his wife, Sibi Blazic. "I get choked up about that stiff… It's everything because I truly believe you can't celebrate [success] without having your partner with you." [People]
- Brooke Mueller is still in sober treatment even though Radar said she wasn't. [E!]
- Radar has obtained court documents from the $25 million lawsuit soccer player David Beckham filed against InTouch magazine and prostitute Irma Nici for a story InTouch ran alleging Beckham slept with Nici and another prostitute. Do you want to read every detail of how Beckham didn't have a sex scandal? Such scintillating tidbits as: When Nici said he was doing it with her he was, in reality, asleep. [Radar]