Former Nixonite and Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes is extremely paranoid, hyperpartisan, and quite possibly insane. He never struck us as the sensitive type. But according to a new Esquire profile, Ailes spends much of his time being downright hurt.

"I know what you're going to write about me," Roger Ailes says. "I can pretty much pick the words for you. Paranoid, right-wing, fat. I love that. I'm the only guy in America who's fat."

[The] Huffington Post says I'm a J. Edgar Hoover look-alike with a face like a clenched fist. Keith Olbermann calls me the worst person in the world. How is that fair?"

What have we discovered? That Roger Ailes finds the time, in between making strategic decisions that guide America's most influential right-wing propaganda machine, to read mean blog posts about himself. That's your first mistake, Roger.

"It would be a lie to say that I don't care what people say about me," he says. "Every human being cares unless they're nuts. Am I nuts? But you can't allow that to override your mission. You cannot allow whether someone likes you or not to alter your course of action. Sometimes I think, Sure, that hurts my feelings. But it's not so important that I will adjust what I'm doing because someone is not going to like me."

Aww. We find it comforting that superwealthy right wing mastermind Roger Ailes is able to soldier on even though bloggers say mean things about him as he methodically works to spread Republican talking points throughout America. That's the stuff that heroes are made out of.

[Esquire, photo via Getty]