Gays Finally Get a Chance to Grind With Andrew Breitbart

Conservative saboteur Andrew Breitbart, the man behind the ACORN "pimp" and not-racist NAACP videos, has a new project lined up: grinding balls with gay conservatives at a "big ol' gay party" in early February. Have you made your travel arrangements?
Breitbart joined the board of GOProud yesterday, the newish political organization for far-right gays who like to be insulted at length by Ann Coulter. GOProud's invitation to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, from February 10-12 this year, has been controversial within the conservative movement; basically, social conservative groups are boycotting because they're scared of the gays. Oh well.
Now that these social conservatives are out of the way, Andrew Breitbart can use CPAC to throw the party he's always dreamed of: a "big ol' gay party," which will be '80s-themed:
I am not endorsing gay marriage, I'm not endorsing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I will be the harshest critic of the activist gay left, who I fear more than al-Qaida. But for these people not to exist in a two-party system, for you to tell them they're not welcome in the big tent, I have a huge problem with that and I'm going to indulge in my all '80s Depeche Mode, Cure, New Order fetish and we're going to have a big 'ol gay party at CPAC.
We'll let you break down the various sentiments regarding gays in that quote! But only after you make your travel arrangements, or don't.
[Image via AP]