Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Amy Poehler owns up to her stock photo modeling past, Jon Cryer talks about working with Charlie Sheen, Jason Davis tells horror stories of his "sobriety," and the first Oscar promos from James Franco and Anne Hathaway.

Amy Poehler Explains Her Stock Photo Modeling Past
Last week, during a stock photo search using the word "volunteer," someone happened upon two pretty silly-looking photos from Amy Poehler's past. Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Amy explained how the photos came to be.

Watch James Franco and Anne Hathaway's First Oscar Promo
This promo states that our beloved hosts are "rigorously preparing for every possible Oscar emergency," but we're pretty sure James Franco's at school in Connecticut. Regardless, it's a chance to watch Anne Hathaway prepare for a possible nip-slip!

John Cryer Discusses Working With Charlie Sheen: "I Check TMZ Every Day"
On Conan, John Cryer tells us how ridiculous it is working with Charlie Sheen. Turns out a good excuse for showing up late is "Somebody stole my car and ran it off a cliff".

The View Weighs in on the Feud Between Kings of Leon and Glee's Ryan Murphy
Have you heard about this story at all? Here's the cliff's notes version: The Kings of Leon refused Glee creator Ryan Murphy's request to cover their hit single "Use Somebody" on the show. Then things got nasty.

Celebrity Rehab Reunion: Dr. Drew Questions Jason Davis' Sobriety After Relapses
Inside, Jason "brings everyone up to speed." The sound mysteriously cuts out, but sources say the missing lines were as follows: "My a—hole friend jumped off a building, and she died. And somehow I was responsible for it."