Indiana Rep. Mike Pence, who has an unusually devout following among conservatives, has announced he won't run for president. Thus concludes an afternoon of speculation that began with a call to his mother.

The Indianapolis Star has the breaking news about a letter Pence has been circulating. He may very well run for Indiana governor instead:

"In the choice between seeking national office and serving Indiana in some capacity, we choose Indiana," Pence, R-Columbus, said of himself and wife Karen in a letter being sent to supporters. "We will not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012."

Pence's announcement was supposed come in an interview with the Star later tonight. It may have been scheduled for tomorrow, though. That's what his dear ol' mum said when a National Journal reporter called her earlier today:

"He will be making his announcement tomorrow," Nancy Pence Fritsch said from at her home in Columbus, Ind.

Asked to confirm reports that she has told him to make up his mind, [his] mom did not deny it.

"What's a mother to do?" she said.

Aww. Shortly after the National Journal published its mom-scoop, though, the Indianapolis Star put up its article about the announcement being tonight. "It was not clear whether the comments from his mother moved up his timetable," National Journal updated.

What we know for sure, though, is that Mike Pence's people are understandably not happy with reporters calling his mother for the hottest political gossip:

"You called his mom," Pence spokesman Matt Lloyd protested when an NJ reporter called the lawmaker's office to inquire about the latest reports about an evening announcement...

[Image via AP]