In your stuffed Monday media column: Tina Brown is making power moves, Hearst is making Hachette employees nervous, a PBS show may get canceled, Phish fans invade the media, and The Atlantic Wire gets a new boss.

  • Tina Brown is on a mad hiring spree in anticipation of her formal takeover of Newsweek and the continued existence of The Daily Beast, however that's going to work! She's hired longtime (and recently departed) Village Voicer Wayne Barrett, and she's poached Peter Boyer from The New Yorker. Two big, quality names. Impressive, Tina Brown. If you can make Newsweek profitable we'll really be impressed. (We hear more staff changes are going on at the NewsBeast, too. Know more? Email me.)
  • Regarding Hearst's purchase of Lagardere's magazine unit, including Hachette Filipacchi: we hear that rumors are already circulating about the possibility of layoffs at Hachette now that Hearst is taking over. If you know more, email me.
  • PBS' show "Need to Know," which replaced "Bill Moyers Journal," may get canceled. If you've ever seen that show (we haven't), feel free to opine in the comments.
  • Phish fans have now infiltrated CNBC. What the fuck is the world coming to?
  • Gabriel Snyder, the former editor of this here website, has a new job running The Atlantic Wire, the internet-savvier side of The Atlantic. We hope to swallow him, and the rest of the online media, in our ever-widening maw. And we wish him well.

[Photo: Getty]