Rihanna celebrates looking sexy in a leaked sexting picture. Lindsay Lohan wears a shoplifted necklace. Mariah Carey is expecting twins. Wednesday's gossip roundup is comfortable with its body.

  • Responding to a fan who tweeted "what is this??" with a link to MediaTakeout's naked sexting picture of her, Rihanna tweeted, "that would be… ME when I was skinny!" Thus proving my theory that, in the event of a naked scandal, your first question should not be "Who did this?" but "Do I look hot?" [@Rihanna, MediaTakeout, NYDN, images via INF and MediaTakeOut]
  • Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are having a boy and a girl, says a "friend of the couple." Cue the puns about "Mimi's twins." [L&S]
  • Los Angeles police requested a search warrant yesterday for Lindsay Lohan's new home in Venice Beach, after she was photographed wearing a one-of-a-kind necklace that had been stolen from a local boutique. Luckily, as soon as that news broke—and before the warrant was executed—an "unnamed friend" turned over the $2500 necklace and took the fall. Though the conventional wisdom holds that LiLo's life under a paparazzi microscope drives her to depravity, her willingness to wear stolen goods in public (remember that Rolex?) is starting to make me wonder if the fear of public scrutiny actually affects her less than we think. Speaking of which, Lindsay partied until 3AM last night, then called the cops to report the paparazzi for stalking her, even though there was a glass of champagne inside her car at the time. Also, a handicap sign. Has LiLo been crippled? [Radar, Radar, X17]
  • Rumor has it Britney Spears was so off her game filming the music video for "Hold It Against Me," they're using a body double named Allison Kyler for some of the legwork. According to IMDb, Allison Kyler was also in Burlesque. So maybe this is all a conspiracy, perpetrated by a still-jealous Christina Aguilera! This is for beating me in the charts in 1999. Revenge, it is mine. Britney's people deny the body double claim. [TMZ, IMDb]
  • Halle Berry's custody battle is getting tried in the press: Halle released a statement about her "serious concerns" over baby daddy Gabriel Aubry's parental fitness, and Gabriel responded with a statement about the value of "two loving parents" and Halle's "irresponsible" choices. At least little Nahla will know that her parents always loved her, even if they hated each other bitterly [AH, People]
  • "Suzanne Somers Plastic Surgery Disaster Shocker": "Suzanne's face looks very puffy and her lips look like sausages. Those are the telltale signs of a stem-cell face-lift." We use stem cells for that? [Enquirer]
  • Ashley Greene on why she likes Miley Cyrus: "She's young, but we could relate to each other because she's probably been through as much as a 40-year-old." The 40-year-olds who freak out every time Miley takes her clothes off beg to differ. Their undies are actually surgically attached to their skin, so they have never been naked in front of Annie Leibovitz, thankyouverymuch. [Us]
  • With paramedics en route to Charlie Sheen's house, Sheen's madam says she ordered a prostitute minion to hide Charlie's drugs: "I was just, like, put it in a drawer and put it away… I don't want that sense of him being a drug addict." Which is why she is now telling her story to anyone who will listen. Maybe Chuck's behind on a payment? [Enquirer]
  • Jaime Pressly has officially be charged with a DUI. Her BAC registered at 0.22. [TMZ]
  • Cyndi Lauper dared show her face in public after having a "bad reacation to a spa treatment," turning her face red, peely, and blistered all over. Are these Cyndi's True Colors? If only she had a Hat (Full of Stars) to hide behind! [DailyMailc]
  • Kyle Richards rather regrets exposing sister Kim Richards' drinking problem on national television during a brawl in a limousine during an episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. "I wish I could take it back," or at least not see it in perpetual reruns every time she flips the TV through Bravo. [Us]
  • Jennifer Aniston isn't adopting a kid, and she's not adopting a dog, so STFU with all your wishful thinking and leave her alone, OK? Gawd. [People]