We all know that actors, directors, and producers make a lot of money, but Vanity Fair crunched the numbers and tried to figure out just how much cash everyone brought in last year. Their grosses are a little gross.

The magazine took a break from reanalyzing the Kennedy administration to to figure out how much Hollywood types made off of movies in 2010. Yes, this is for their film work alone and doesn't include endorsements, investments, or even earnings in other media like television. So who came out on top?

James Cameron, being the king of the world and all, did: He made $257 million dollars last year, $248 million of it thanks to Avatar, and another $5 from licensing products related to the film. He made the other $4 million from his old movies—you know, cash that rolled in from things he did in the past. He made $4 million while he sat on his ass watching The Abyss on Cinemax.

Johnny Depp was the only other figure in the nine digit range, scooping up $100 million in 2010. Steven Spielberg, who didn't even direct a movie in 2010, made $80 million, about $50 million of which came from royalties and "consulting fees" from the props of his films at Universal Studios theme parks.

Rounding out the top five are Inception director Christopher Nolan who made $71.5 million, and Leo DeCaprio who made $62 million. The top woman on the list is Kristen Stewart, who came in at No. 13 and made $28.5 million in 2010, which is still less than her Twilight costar Taylor Lautner, who came in at No. 9 with $33.5 million. Do you think it's too late for us all to try our hand at acting?

[Images via Getty]