Rick Santorum Will Always Be an Anal Sex Byproduct on Google

Former senator and likely presidential candidate Rick Santorum has finally acknowledged his "Google problem," and the fact that there's nothing he can do about it.
If you're unfamiliar with the problem, try googling "santorum." The first result will be spreadingsantorum.com, which defines santorum as: "1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum."
This has been the top search result for "santorum" for years. The sex columnist Dan Savage got it placed at the top with a Google bomb in 2003 after Santorum made these famous comments about the path America is headed down should gays be treated like human beings:
"And if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does," he said at the time.
So what is Rick Santorum going to do about his Google problem if he runs for president? Will he embrace his identity as the mascot for poopy discharge? At least he's slowly coming to terms with it now, in an interview with Roll Call:
Santorum himself sounded slightly defeated when asked about it recently.
"It's one guy. You know who it is. The Internet allows for this type of vulgarity to circulate. It's unfortunate that we have someone who obviously has some issues. But he has an opportunity to speak," Santorum told Roll Call.
Roll Call also reports that "former staffers consulted technology experts years ago about their options. Ultimately, they found there was little they could do."
Point and laugh, if you must.