Tree Terrorist Heats Up College Football Rivalry

When Auburn University beat Alabama in the Iron Bowl last year, something in Harvey Almorn Updyke Jr. snapped. Updyke is an Alabama fan — bitter rivals of Auburn — so the loss was especially tough. In an act of revenge, he phoned into an Auburn radio station to say that he'd sprayed a tree-killing herbicide called Spike 80DF around the school's famed 130-year-old oak trees at Toomer's Corner — where Auburn fans celebrate after wins, do keg stands and puke and make choices that they regret the next day. Updyke ended his call to the radio station with "Roll Damn Tide." Now the trees are dying and there's bascially nothing that anyone can do to save them.
This guy got that heated over college football. Yes, college fucking football. Updyke has been arrested and charged with first-degree criminal mischief. Police only had to trace the call to Updyke's house. Dumbass.
[Image via AP]