In your trenchant Thursday media column: Glenn Beck apologizes for something, Slate in Palin Cunt scandal, AOL execs make way for Arianna, Yahoo grabs a Politico writer, and a Katie Couric career check-in.

  • What is Glenn Beck apologizing for today? For comparing Reform Judaism to "Radicalized Islam." "Somebody has called me ignorant for what I said on Tuesday, and I think that's a pretty good description of what I said," he said. I don't know, everything can be compared to Radicalized Islam these days, right?
  • Slate had this headline: "Sarah Palin Uses Alternate Facebook Accunt to Praise Sarah Palin." Funny right? Not as funny as Big Government's conspiracy reasoning: "Given Slate's prominence as a respected part of the mainstream media with professional standards to uphold, an innocent typo of this magnitude with this subject is highly unlikely." Conservative wackos will never get anywhere until they understand the media, and how dumb it is.
  • Changes at AOL! David Eun, who was running AOL's media business, is leaving. He will, of course, be replaced by Arianna Huffington's Blackberry.
  • Laura Rozen, formerly the chief foreign policy writer at THE POLITICO, has moved over to Yahoo News, where she'll "launch a new foreign policy blog, The Envoy." Can't wait to hear Yahoo commenters' insights on foreign policy matters.
  • Let's check in on Katie Couric's career, okay? Her contract at CBS is up on June 4 and she's still acting like she doesn't know what she's going to do next. Boo! She's also putting out a new "book" full of advice from famous people. Which we were not asked to contribute to. Boo! And here are her Oscar picks. "I didn't see 'Winter's Bone,'" she says. Boo!

[Photo via AP]