In your suspicious Monday media column: Katie Couric's future mulled, a racist theater review mocked, the WaPo's redesign criticized, the NYT paywall arrives, and Maer Roshan has a new hobby.

  • More and more Katie Couric news! The NY Post says that CBS is angling to keep Katie in house by offering her a spot on 60 Minutes and a daytime talk show. Not a bad deal, altogether. What else are you going to do, Katie? Work at Starbucks? Haha! We're kidding. Katie Couric could get a job at a much more prestigious retail outlet. Meanwhile, it's time to start speculating on who will succeed Couric as CBS' nightly news anchor. Harry Smith and Scott Pelley are being mentioned. Boring. It's either Anderson Cooper or that Jeopardy robot. Let's cut the bullshit.
  • The Nashville Scene accidentally posted a "first draft" of a review of In The Heights that was, you know, perhaps a bit racist, when it comes to describing actresses as "brown and leggy." To be fair, let's all make fun of Nashville for the next 24 hours.
  • Just about everyone hates the Washington Post's online redesign. Hang in there, WaPo. Take it from us: a month from now, they'll still hate it just as much.
  • Are you ready for the super scary NYT paywall? Too bad, because it started...right about now. The good news is that you can get the whole thing for a buck for the first four weeks. The other good news is you can write this day down on your calendar, and next year on this day go to all the people bitching about the paywall now and ask them exactly why they changed their minds and started paying. (This will be fun only if you're a nerd).
  • Former Radar editor Maer Roshan has started up a new site called The Fix, which is like the of "addiction and recovery." I suppose we'll just see how that goes.

[Photo: AP]