Vanquished social network MySpace will open its books to interested buyers Wednesday. The only problem is that the books look horrible and no one is interested in buying.

Over on All Things Digital, Kara Swisherrattles off a long list of companies definitely not interested in buying MySpace: Yahoo, AOL and FarmVille maker Zynga, among others, all want nothing to do with any deal to acquire News Corp.'s website for the destitute and underaged. There are three other potential acquirers—you haven't heard of any of them—but all talks are "preliminary... no deal for the Beverly Hills, Calif.-based Myspace is imminent."

That probably has to do with the recent 44 percent decline monthly traffic, as well as the recent $156 million quarterly loss by MySpace. Apparently the social network's logo redesign didn't work. Should have gone with our suggestion, MySpace.