Senator's Airplane Joyride Nearly Kills a Bunch of People

Delirious old coot Sen. Jim Inhofe has a flying license! Who knew? What's even more amazing is that he was able to keep this license after choosing to land his Cessna on a closed runway last year, even though there were "men and equipment on the runway," over whom he "sky hopped" after the first touch down. Wow. And yet, so in-character for Jim Inhofe! It's pathetic that this doesn't even surprise us.
The Smoking Gun obtained FAA documents and audio from last October's madman landing in South Texas:
The FAA material, provided in response to a TSG Freedom of Information Act request, details how Inhofe, 76, chose to land on the main runway at the Cameron County Airport on October 21 despite being aware that it was closed and had a large ‘X' on its threshold.
The politician, the FAA investigation determined, "still elected to land avoiding the men and the equipment on the runway." [...]
Shortly after Inhofe landed, Sidney Boyd, who was supervising construction on the closed runway, called the FAA to report that Inhofe's plane, a twin-engine six-seater, initially touched down on the runway and then "'sky hopped' over the six vehicles and personnel working on the runway, and then landed."
Boyd added that Inhofe "scared the crap out of workers." One of the drivers of the six vehicles on the runway, according to Boyd, "actually wet his britches, he was scared to death. I mean, hell, he started trying to head for the side of the runway. The pilot could see him, or he should have been able to, he was right on him."
In January, Inhofe agreed to "complete a program of remedial training" as part of a deal to avoid "legal enforcement action" and keep his commercial pilot's license. If you try this shit without the benefit of being a powerful United States Senator, though, you'll probably land a permanent stint in Guantanamo Bay.
[Image via AP]