America's Worst Sheriff Comes Up With New Way to Humiliate His Inmates for Sport

Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio likes to treat the accused lawbreakers under his care like little Army men that he can march around, dress up, and melt with a magnifying glass. Now he's started a "Mug Shot of the Day" contest on his web site to help people mock them.
Law enforcement is a serious business. Lives are at stake. Which is why Arpaio wants everyone to just loosen up once in a while and look at some of these doofuses in his jail! Their mug shots are hilarious! You can vote on your favorite one—maybe it will become the Shot of the Day.

Like this dude—Alfred John Shepard, who was booked yesterday on drugs and weapons charges.
Look at him! He's missing his lower jaw. What a dumbass criminal! Get a jaw, jackass! He's already got 2,640 votes, just over 1,000 votes out of first place, so make sure to go vote for him.
Funny, funny stuff, Sheriff Joe.