Happy Monday morning, everyone. Remember that huge mass grave of murder victims found in Mexico this month? Yes, well. It's up to 177 bodies now. And, believe it or not, its mere existence is not the worst part.

Investigators say that most of the victims were snatched off of buses at roadblocks, then dragged away to be killed. "Women were raped before being killed, and some victims were burned alive," says the LA Times. And authorities haven't found many shell casings at the scene; instead, they say, most victims "died of blunt force trauma to the head." From a sledgehammer. Which was found at the scene.

And the explanation for these fifteen dozen seemingly random torture sledgehammer kidnapping murders? Motives remain "unclear." But it was a drug cartel that did it, of course. Though not the same drug cartel that slashed the throats of four women and a girl in Acapulco last weekend, which is different from the one that left a woman's dismembered body scattered about a Mexico City neighborhood yesterday.

Your American War on Drugs fallout, ladies and gentlemen.

[Photo: AP]