It's got to be a difficult time to be named Kate Middleton, what with the constant royal wedding jokes and people talking to you in fake British accents and stuff. Worse still, Facebook keeps deleting accounts of women who share the name of the Most Important Bride of All Time.

Back in January, 29-year-old Englishwoman Kate Middleton had her account suspended because it was suspected of being fake. And a 32-year-old bike shop employee in Boston had her account deleted recently for the same reason. It sounds like the resulting media frenzy has been a nightmare for the Boston-based Kate Middleton: "I'm not really interested in pretending I'm the other Kate Middleton so I basically refused on all five requests to speak in a British accent." Come on, media, grow up.

Facebook is being totally reasonable here. Who do these women think they are, having the same name as the soon-to-be princess? In fact, the U.N. should pass a resolution requiring them all to change their name Other Kate Middleton.

[Photos of the Kate Middleton in Boston and the future princess via AP]