Sure, you've lost everything and your entire town has been obliterated by one of the most devastating series of tornadoes in history. Doesn't mean you can't still eat smart, local and organic!

Magic City Post, a lifestyles website from Birmingham, offers "25 ideas for non-perishable items that will provide high-quality proteins, good carbs and healthy fats." It's just something to consider when you're loading up that box of canned food to bring to the shelter.

Here are a few of their suggestions:

  • Amy's Kitchen soups and cookies
  • Salsa (whole grain chips optional)
  • Jarred spaghetti sauce (and pasta)
  • Kashi cereals and snack bars
  • Dark chocolate
  • Shelf-stable gnocchi
  • Freshly ground local coffee

It's important to note, however, that if you can't locate a locally grown coffee, any single-origin would do in a pinch. Well, in an ideal world, it would really be a micro-lot coffee, but we all know it can't always be an ideal world. [Magic City Post]