[There was a video here]

Shortly before thoroughbred horses stormed the track at the Kentucky Derby, a cavalcade of chihuahuas ran in Chandler, Arizona's annual Cinco de Mayo Festival and Chihuahua Races.

The New York Times sent reporter Marc Lacey to observe America's foremost chihuahua speed-racing competition:

Chihuahuas do not necessarily bound toward the finish line on command. Some of them, wearing tutus and frilly outfits in the heat, turn around and look quizzically at their owners or take a few steps forward and then a few steps back.

This year, Chico beat out Taco, Peanut, Bonita, Mucho Pequeño, and others to win a trophy larger than his entire body.

I was unable to locate footage of Chico's surely valiant win, but here are videos from previous races. At top, the final sprint from 2007, when Chiquita won. At left, an early 2011 heat in which an uncommonly large male chihuahua (chihuahuo?) named Pocket Rocket won. [NYT]