
Two Hundred Chihuahuas Seized from Pennsylvania Home

Taylor Berman · 07/19/12 10:34PM

In bizarro Pennsylvania news, over 200 chihuahuas were seized from a home in Benton on Thursday. Obviously some horrifically strange person lived there, but this is sort of a sad case – as opposed to just being weird – because many of the dogs were sick or already dead. The surviving dogs will all be in animal shelters by Friday, where they'll be treated by veterinarians and, if deemed healthy/sane enough, put up for adoption. Mike Pechart, who oversees dog law enforcement at the Pennsylvania Agriculture Department, hit the nail on the head when he described the situation as, "an unfortunate situation of animal hoarding."

This Is What a Chihuahua Derby Looks Like

Maureen O'Connor · 05/13/11 12:05PM

Shortly before thoroughbred horses stormed the track at the Kentucky Derby, a cavalcade of chihuahuas ran in Chandler, Arizona's annual Cinco de Mayo Festival and Chihuahua Races.

Paris Hilton's Littlest Victims Head East

cityfile · 01/06/10 10:53AM

The first batch of homeless Chihuahuas will be arriving in New York from Los Angeles today. (As you may recall, Paris Hilton's fascination with the breed a few years back led a big bunch of California residents to adopt Chihuahuas, but many of them were abandoned when the fad passed.) As part of "Operation Chichuahua Airlift," about 15 dogs will be landing at JFK today aboard a Virgin America flight. Why NYC? According to the ASPCA, "the East Coast has long had a shortage of small dogs." [AP, ABC News, previously]

The Paris Effect

cityfile · 12/11/09 10:38AM

California has a Chihuahua problem. Shelters there have been overwhelmed by the breed and few people are interested in adopting them, so animal welfare groups are now planning to fly a big bunch of them to New York since they're still popular here. (That's probably because it's the only kind of dog that fits in most NYC apartments.) But why is California teeming with Chihuahuas in the first place? It's all Paris Hilton's fault: "Experts blame the unexpected rise in abandoned California Chihuahuas partly on fans who hoped to emulate celebs like Paris Hilton, who carries one in her handbag, but later became bored with the little creatures and abandoned them." [NYDN]