[There was a video here]

Botox Mom Kerry Campbell (who might not be "Kerry Campbell" at all, but a multi-named mystery chupacabra of indeterminate origin) has returned to The Sun, the publication where her insanity spree began, to apologize for shooting botulism into her 8-year-old daughter's face, then bragging about it on TV.

I will not use Botox on her ever again. I honestly felt I was helping her. I regret doing it and remain committed to being a good mother and being reunited with my daughter.

I never wanted to harm Britney in any way and I thought I was helping her. What has happened is devastating and I realize now that I was wrong.

I cannot put into words the remorse I feel.

Little Britney Campbell has since been removed from Kerry's custody by Child Protective Services, and is reportedly living with relatives. But Kerry wants her back.

I am going to seek therapy for my obsession with looks so I will no longer push my insecurities about appearance on to her.

Kerry also reveals where she got the needles for Britney's Botox treatments: "a chemist and a diabetic friend." At least she didn't say "heroin addict."

Meanwhile, the San Francisco Chronicle reports that San Fran's Department of Human Services is "no longer on the case," which might mean some other city took over jurisdiction? Where are you, Kerry Campbell? Who are you? Why are you? And how can America rid itself of you? [Sun, SFGate]


Botox Mom Loses Custody
Child Services Swoops in on Botox Mom
Mom Defends Giving 8-Year-Old Botox and 'Virgin Waxes'
Mom Gives 8-Year-Old Botox and Virgin Waxes

Contact the author of this post at maureen@gawker.com