Kim Kardashian's giant boyfriend gives her a giant diamond. A Victoria's Secret model gets a DUI, kicks a cop, and escapes an L.A. jailhouse. Kellan Lutz rejects Britney Spears. Wednesday gossip attracts magpies.

  • Kim Kardashian has bravely overcome a nearly two-foot height difference to become engaged to New Jersey Nets forward Kris Humphries, a man destined for a lifetime of cricks in his neck. Kris proposed by "waiting in her bedroom on bended knee with four words written in red rose petals: WILL YOU MARRY ME?" Kim's ring is 20.5 carats (I didn't know that was physically possible? Won't her finger get tired?) and worth a reported $2 million. [People, TMZ, images via Getty and People]
  • Bradley Cooper and Olivia Wilde were "flirty" and "inseparable" at a party for The Hangover 2. I wonder if Bradley gets sick of the morning-after "hangover" every time he gets laid. Not that Olivia banged him. Just, you know, in theory. [Us]
  • Pregnant first lady and anal sex play enthusiast Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is expecting a boy, says a "friend" who has a 50/50 chance of being right, anyway. [Telegraph]
  • Lady Gaga bought $1000 worth of her new CD at the Best Buy in Union Square. Either she wallpapered a room with liner note images of herself as a motorcycle centaur, or she gave them to fans. Hard to say. [Gatecrasher]

Madonna banned photographers from taking her picture at a MoMA party because she "didn't feel she looked her best." Obviously, this only makes me want to see the pictures of her even more. Here she is outside the party. Bedraggled, but not bad. [P6, image via Splash]

  • Britney Spears wants beefcake Twilight star Kellan Lutz to be in her new music video, but he thinks he's too good for it. Also, if the bright stage lights shine on his skin, he might die. [Celebitchy]
  • A crazed fan tried to kiss Alicia Keys on the lips, forcing her to "bob and weave out of the way." She should teach self-defense classes for celebrities. Like masters of aikido, they must redirect their fans' energy to maximize fame and minimize actual contact. [P6]

Lingerie model and Planet of the Apes star Estella Warren was arrested for drunkenly driving her car into three parked cars ("three separate crashes, all within close proximity") and ended up kicking a cop, resisting being handcuffed, and escaping the police station, igniting a brief LAPD manhunt. Damn. Recaptured and booked for hit-and-run, DUI, and felony battery and escape, Estella is now out on $100,000 bail. [P6]

  • Katie Couric at a luncheon for women: "I love the smell of estrogen in the afternoon!" [Gatecrasher]