When reclusive 104-year-old copper heiress Huguette Clark died last week without any heirs and her $500 million fortune under investigation, all New Yorkers wanted to hear about was what was going to happen to her $100 million Fifth Avenue palace.

The Observer looked into the spread and found that there are already tons of people interested in buying and selling it, not surprisingly. The paper also has the backstory on how Clark and her mother acquired such a monstrous pad, 42 rooms totaling 15,000 square feet at 907 Fifth Avenue. They also deflate the $100 million estimate on the spread, placing the market value closer to $60 to $75 million. (And there are other real estate holdings as well: Clark also owned giant and well-maintained properties in California and Connecticut.) Honestly, I don't care how much the apartment sells for—I just want to crash the open house!

As we find out more about the home, we're also finding out more about Clark as a person. The only source close to her that People could locate was the cousin of Clark's (now deceased) best friend. He said that, from what he'd heard, Clark was smart, shrewd, and used to collect dolls that she dressed, talked to, and treated as children. Now I want to see the inside of her apartment even more.

[Image via AP]