Prince William wears comically large hats. Arnold Schwarzenegger disappoints even more people. Angelina Jolie has some ideas about schooling. Sunday gossip is off to the races.

  • Prince William, heir to the Iron Throne, spent a lot of time in charming folk costume this week! On the right, he wears an enormous bearskin "tall hat" while rehearsing for the Queen of England's birthday party; on the left, he sports a top hat at "the races." How rustic! [NYDN; Daily Mail]
  • William and his bride, Kate Middleton, hopefully still wearing their hats, will visit Los Angeles later this month but will not meet with khal Arnold Schwarzenegger because of, you know, the "love child" situation. [P6]
  • Speaking of Arnold! Imposing Dane Brigitte Nielsen says she had an affair with Schwarzenegger on the set of their film Red Sonja, while Schwarzenegger was dating his soon-to-be wife Maria Shriver. Not, literally, on the set, as far as we know, but you get the general idea. She felt betrayed! [NYDN]
  • Also, the guy's love child ("the stallion who will mount the world") missed his middle school graduation, because of the media. [TMZ]
  • Voight-spawn Angelina Jolie is rich, which means she has vague opinions about "the education system," whatever that is. "I'd rather [my children] go to a museum and learn to play guitar and read and pick a book they love," Jolie says. Uh, Angelina... you can't learn to play guitar at a museum. [Independent]
  • Vice President Joe Biden, known to Interpol agents as "Le Renard," defied the sixteen international warrants out for his arrest and traveled to Italy, where he seduced the Pope and stole his jewels before disappearing somewhere near the Amalfi Coast [P6]

[images via Getty]