59-year-old Alan Kimble Fahey is facing a legal shitstorm over a crazy compound/house/thing he's been working on for many years in the Mojave Desert that he calls Phonehenge West. The Man says Fahey needs to follow building codes, and Fahey's all like "no way, Man," and now he might have to tear the place down. A judge yesterday found Fahey guilty of violating building codes, and his lawyer told the Los Angeles Times that Fahey "faces pretty hefty fines and fees."

A retired phone service technician, Fahey spent almost three decades constructing the 20,000-square-foot labyrinth of interconnected buildings, stopping only when Los Angeles County code enforcement officials forced him to in 2008. The creation, which includes a 70-foot tower, is a hodgepodge of reddish buildings - some built of telephone poles - connected by bridges and ramps.

And, for what it's worth, Fahey rules:

The prosecutor said Fahey failed to get the required building permits because he had a cavalier attitude toward code enforcement laws and willfully flouted them.

Watch the slideshow above. It explains everything.