After a month of silence following the revelation that her son is half Schwarzenegger, housekeeper Mildred Patricia Baena gave her first interview to deep-pocketed British tabloid Hello!.

In Hello!'s internet preview of the article, Mildred confirms previous reports that Arnold learned of his paternity well into now 13-year-old Joseph's childhood:

It was as Joseph grew and I started to see the resemblance that I wondered—but It became more apparent as time went on. I knew Arnold was the father, and maybe as Joseph got older and began to look like him, he [Arnold] wondered. But he never said anything to me.

She also confirms the rumor that Maria figured out Joseph's parentage by herself, then confronted the housekeeper:

She would say things like, 'I'm here if you need to talk.' I sensed something was up. I have so much love and respect for Maria. Finally, she asked point blank.

She was so strong. She cried with me and told me to get off my knees. We held each other and I told her it wasn't Arnie's fault, that it takes two.

Joseph found out that Arnold was his father last year. He took the news exactly as you'd imagine 12-year-old boy who discovers he is actually the child of a famous superhero would:

When his grandmother sat him down one year ago to explain that Arnold Schwarzenegger was his father, he exclaimed: "Cool!"

In other "Cool!" news, Mildred is rooting for the wife of the man she fucked:

He's a good man and I know he's suffering too. He loves Maria. I hope with time they work things out.

Weirdest revelation of all: Though American news outlets would have killed for this exclusive, Hello! didn't even sacrifice the cover to it. No matter what how many devil pacts they made to get Mildred's first interview, Kate Middleton's hats will always be the British press' top priority. [Hello!, photo of Schwarzenegger via Getty]