According to the New York Times, Anthony Weiner has told friends that he's resigning amid increasing pressure from Democrats, and "after having long discussions with his wife," who just returned from a trip to Africa with her boss Hillary Clinton.

NBC News swung by his office on Capitol Hill and saw Weiner's staff and interns packing up their stuff, shutting off the lights and locking the doors. Sad. The resignation comes as Democrats scheduled to meet today to try to strip Weiner of his seat on the Energy and Commerce Committee and generally explore any option to hound him out of office and into his inevitable cable news gig.

Well, that's that. All week, Weiner's been squeezed by Democrats and battered by Boehner. As much as he tried to hold on, it looks like things have finally climaxed. Couldn't take the beating any longer. He's pulling out. (Sorry, this may be the the last chance to do that. Gotta get it all out.)

Update: Weiner will announce his resignation in a press conference this afternoon. This is going to be pretty hard to watch. Hopefully it's not too long.